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​Within our parish community we invite all individuals to share their gifts of stewardship–time, talent and treasure. These gifts honor God as the creator of all things visible and invisible, and helps contribute om a conscious way to the building of God’s kingdom here on earth.

There is an array of organizations at St. Bartholomew Parish, including the Rosary Altar Society, and the St. Joseph Workers Association. We encourage you to join an organization or contact our parish office at 724‑834‑0709 with any additional questions.

Rosary Altar Society

​The Rosary Altar Society meets in the Madonna Room of Marian Hall once every 3 months at 6:30 p.m. to pray the rosary, plan yearly events, and discuss the monthly agenda. A Mass is scheduled once a month for all living and deceased members of the society.

President: Sarah Damico

Treasure: Gail Uliano

Secretary: Kathy King

Vice President: Jan Grant


The Rosary Altar Society holds several fundraisers and events during the year.

St. Joseph Workers Association and Cleaning Committee

The St. Joseph Workers Association includes our art and environment committee. These men, women and teens volunteer to care for the interior and exterior of our buildings and property including Calvary Hill Cemetery. They clean the church monthly, normally on every last Tuesday of each month at 8:30 AM.

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St. Bartholomew’s Knitting and Crocheting Group “Gifted Hands”

The knitting/ crocheting group includes a group of women who meet twice a month to join together in making items for those in needs. They meet the second and fourth Thursdays of every month at 1:00 PM in Marian Hall. All are welcome.